Tuesday, December 18, 2018

WelcomeTo F.lashLight!

Almost welcome to our newsletter(s) ... Thanks for joining askPETMD's growing pet parent community! We're here to give you peace of mind with vet-qualified answers whenever and wherever you need us. We know how much pet parents care for their pets and that pet parenting comes with a lot of questions. With your askPETMD app, you'll be able to: Someone, hopefully you, has subscribed your email address to the following newsletters: Here is the next edition of the Article Writing and Marketing: Article Title Training Series. Your article title is more than just an accurate description about what the reader will find in your article body; it's a promise you make to build a trust relationship with your readership. We know how much pet parents care for their pets and that pet parenting comes with a lot of questions. With your askPETMD app, you'll be able to: Someone, hopefully you, has subscribed your email address to the following newsletters: Here is the next edition of the Article Writing and Marketing: Article Title Training Series. Your article title is more than just an accurate description about what the reader will find in your article body; it's a promise you make to build a trust relationship with your readership. If this is not correct, you do not need to do anything, simply delete this message. Thank you the askPETMD team" Thank you so much for your registration for the New Year's Day Mini Poetry Retreat! Here's what you need to bring: Notebook and pen Good shoes for our walk Warm clothes (dress for the weather- we'll walk if it's above freezing and no snow or ice on the ground.) Questions? Email Laura at See you on Jan 1st Address: 7618 Carteret Road, Bethesda, MD, 20817 Phone: (703)915-3653 Thank you for submitting the online registration form. You have taken the first step towards earning your Congressional Award. Please follow the steps below to complete your registration. This is a confirmation of your registration. You are registered for the Congressional Award and may count activities as of today's date. To complete your registration, follow these steps: Please print out the waiver that confirms your registration. Sign the waiver. If you are under 18 years old, you will also need to have a parent or guardian sign. Mail in the completed waiver and $15 registration fee (check or money order made payable to The Congressional Award) to: The Congressional Award PO Box 77440 Washington, D.C. 20013" Hello All, Hope your weekend was fabulous! We are doing so great and continuing to make progress in the classroom and at circle time! I hope all of the children were able to tell you about how we spent last week by making applesauce that you will be able to enjoy on our Feast Day! Make sure ask about which color apple won the vote as we graphed our favorite! Just in case the kiddos forgot, it was yellow! Here is what the three's will be doing this week... Theme is Family and Feelings *Letter F (Family, Feelings) *rote counting 1-10 *introducing the number 0 *learning more letters in our names *learning who is in our families *understanding feelings and using our words I would love to start sending home our All About Me books so please make sure to finish and turn in your child's paper on Tuesday if s/he has not done so already! When it does make a visit to your home, please remember to keep our book for only one night so that all of our families can share this opportunity to learn who is in your child's class. Please be on the look out for Black Sharing Day information coming home soon in the children's backpacks! This is a simple show-n-tell day that your child gets to enjoy by dressing in the chosen color and bringing in something from home to share with their friends. It is a great opportunity for your child to practice speaking in front of the class as the rest of us put on our "thinking caps" to brainstorm describing words. Thanks! Leanna Luznar The Cooperative Pre-School of Bay Village, Inc.