COVER LETTER BASICSFROM CORNELL CAREER SERVICES CAREER GUIDEReturn address indicateswhere Susan is currentlyliving.Address letter to person with hiringresponsibility, which may beindicated in the job announcement.If unclear, begin with “DearHuman Resources Director”Use person’s full name if you don’tknow gender: “Dear Pat Smith.”Letter opens by statingwhy she is writing. Identifyposition or type of work for whichyou are applying, how you learnedof position, and why you’reinterested in working for theorganization. Draw reader in toensure he or she reads the entireletter. Refer to any contact you’vehad with the organization, providingnames of people with whom youhave spoken.Indicate in the middle paragraphsthat you understand positionrequirements and demonstrate youare a good match for the job.Highlight and expand uponexperiences, skills, and interestsstated in your resume.Concrete examples helpdemonstrate how Susan’sexperience has preparedher to fulfill therequirements of theposition.She summarizes herqualifications related tothe position and outlinesoptions for ensuring thatan interview will takeplace. She demonstratedinitiative by saying shewill follow up with aphone call.The inclusion of herresume is noted.1111 Dryden RoadIthaca, New York 14850February 5, 20XXMs. Joan LewisLower School DirectorGlendale Day School85 W. 61st StreetNew York, New York 10004South Oxfordshire District Council, 135 Eastern Avenue, Milton Park, Abingdon, OxfordshireOX14 4SB Susan Jane MurphyLeader of the 01235 422082135 Eastern AvenueMilton ParkOxonOX14 4SB18 June 2018Dear Councillor Brown,South Oxfordshire Local Plan – updateThank you for your letter dated 11 June.The statement provided by Oxfordshire partner authorities under the auspices of theGrowth Board is helpful and I welcome the support for the process we have outlinedand your commitment to work with us to use Growth Deal funding to bring forwarddelivery of housing and help with ensuring we get “early” deliverability, something Irecognise is important to all councils in Oxfordshire.As you will be aware at this point, we cannot be sure whether or not the review ofsites that we are currently undertaking will impact the overall submission timeline forour Local Plan. Should it become clear that this is likely to be the case, we will seekconfirmation from MHCLG that delaying the submission of the Local Plan untilJanuary 2020 would not significantly impact on the Oxfordshire Housing and GrowthDeal or the freedoms and flexibilities proposed as part of it. At this time, we havemade no request for an extension to the dates within the Oxfordshire Housing andGrowth Deal.We fully support the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal and the commitment tothe Strategic Housing Market Assessment level housing numbers within it. We arestrongly committed to delivering housing and it is not intended that the current reviewwill reduce our numbers from those within the previous draft Local Plan which soughtto deliver nearly a quarter of the number outlined in the Deal. We welcome yoursupport for the approach that we are pursuing to protect the delivery of the Housingand Growth Deal we have all signed up to.Yours sincerely,Councillor Jane MurphyLeader of the Council
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