Thank you for your interest in our university.
You are welcome to apply for our Master�s degrees by applying online and then sending all your documents including application form to the address stated in the application form. Please inform yourself about application procedure here: (in German)
However, you should know that, all our Master�s degrees are taught in German language, except for M.Sc. in Scientific Instrumentation, which is taught in English.
Application period for winter term starts 15th of May and for summer term 1st of December. Please inform yourself about application deadlines by checking the information of your desired graduate degree.
In order to be admitted directly (without any conditions) in all Master�s degrees (except for Scientific Instrumentation) and in order to start your studies at our university, you need to show a German language proficiency, aside from other entry requirements. We accept following German language certificates:
� DSH examination (German language examination for university admission) � level 2 or 3
� Test DaF(Test of German as a Foreign Language) � level 4 or 5 in all 4 exam sections
� Central Advanced Level Examination (ZOB) from Goethe Institute
� TELC Hochschule C1
Without knowledge of German language and if you fulfill all other formal criteria there is a possibility of getting a conditional admission. The condition is that you learn German language either in your country, or in Germany and take the language test (see the tests listed above) to prove your language proficiency before starting your studies.
Our university does not offer (preparation) language courses at our institution, but there are a few other institutions that you can choose in Jena.
� Institut f�r Interkulturelle Kommunikation e.V. (IIK): TestDaF and telc preparation courses and tests
� INSTITUT f�r Bildung & Integration (IBI): preparation courses for TestDaF and Telc C1 Hochschule
� Volkshochschule Jena: language courses from A1 to C1 level
� �AG gGmbH Jena (�AG): language courses from B1 to C1 level
Attached you will find our Master�s degrees brochure in English. There you will find all entry requirements for Master�s degrees as well as a link to our online application platform active as of 15th of May for winter semester and as of 15th of December for summer semester.
Please pay attention especially to page 30/31 for further details about applying and also make sure that you have paid an application processing fee amounting to 25�. Please contact us for further details.
Should you have further questions, please feel free to contact us again.
Best wishes,
Elvira Babi�
Graduate Degrees Coordinator
Elvira Babic, Masterkoordinatorin
Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena
Servicezentrum Studium und Studienberatung
Master Service
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2
07745 Jena
Tel: +49(0)3641 205 148
Fax:+49(0)3641 205 231
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