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Sunday, February 25, 2018
Welcome to Term+Life+Insurance
Posted by PRINCEBOY7 at 8:38 PM 0 comments
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Posted by PRINCEBOY7 at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 19, 2018
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Posted by PRINCEBOY7 at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 15, 2018
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Posted by PRINCEBOY7 at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
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Thank you for registering for our Immigration Consultancy event. One of our companyâs representative will be contacting you within the next 2 working days in order to confirm your attendance. If you need to discuss an urgent matter or you need to contact our Immigration Consultants today please refer to the contact details below: Thank you for your interest in applying for positions with Greene Resources. Your information has been received and will be reviewed by a member of our recruiting team. Candidates selected to move forward in the interview process will be contacted for additional information. To monitor the status of your applications, or to upload a cover letter or alternate resume please click here to login to your Greene Resources dashboard. If you have further questions please contact our office at 919-862-8602. Thank you for registering for Anvilâs Live Webinar! You should receive an email in your inbox shortly with confirmation and details. We are excited for you to join our webinar! In the meantime, feel free to check out past presentations, articles by the team, or Anvilâs Blog. Questions? Reach out to us at Dear Families, We are thrilled to welcome you back to a new and exciting school year at Westlake Elementary. The faculty and staff join me in assuring you that we have the most wonderful school community, and we are so pleased to have you returning to us this year or joining us for the first time! My welcome to the Westlake School Family has been so warm, and I feel much honored to have this opportunity to serve you as your new principal. Thank you to those who have stopped by to say hello already, and I look forward to meeting each of you very shortly. I know from meeting with students, par ents, teachers, staff, and community members that this is a school committed to our childrenâs excellence. Academic achievement, commitment to safety, and a sense of belonging and community are clearly high priorities. Please be assured that I honor your accomplishments and strive to contribute to even greater success in the future. School starts Monday, August 17 th , and your child(ren) will be bringing home several important forms that need to be completed and returned. Please look for our school newsletter to come home each Monday. Your child will also be bringing home a folder each week with his/her completed work and a classroom newsletter. I am so excited to be part of this wonderful learning community! By working together as a team to hel p our children be successful, we will have a fabulous year and accomplish so much. Positive relationships and successful communication are crucial to making all of us effective, and we want to work with you to help make that possible. We will do everything we can to make Westlake Elementary a place where children want to come to learn everyday and where families are supported. By focusing on very high expectations for our children and supporting high academic achievement in the upcoming year, we will be extremely successful. Please call or stop by to share your comments, concerns, and compliments. You are always welcome! Sincerely, Dr. Nancy Weathers, PhD Pastor Dear Small Business Owner, RTD would like to invite you to participate â" or renew your participation â" in RTD's Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program. Becoming SBE certified is easy ! The certification process requires applicants to submit documentation of business size and personal net worth. A pplicants are also required to submit proof of their capability to perform the services for which they are requesting certification. The qualifying owners must possess all required l icenses and / or certifications to be eligible or to qualify for the applicable NIGP codes. Finally, the qualifying applicant(s) are required to execute the application affidavit in the presence of a notary. RTD âs SBE Program is open to any business , regardless of the race or gender of its owner(s) , i f it meets the following guidelines: 1. The average annual gross receipts for the business for the past 3 years do not exceed $23.98 million. This includes any affiliate businesses owned in whole or in part by any owner of the business applying, regardless of their ownership interest; and 2. The business must be at least 51% owned by one or more individuals whose personal net worth is less tha n $1.32 million â" not including the equity in their primary residence or their equity/investment in the business applying. Applicants cannot transfer ownership solely for the purpose of qualifying for the SBE program. RTD will evaluate transfers of ownership within the past two years to determine compliance with the personal net worth requirements. Eligible firms are classified in one of four categories depending on thei r thre e (3) year average gross receipts, as follows: Category 1: F irms with gro ss receipts less than $1 m illion ; Category 2: F irms with gross receipts between $1 m illion and $5 m illion ; Category 3: F irms with gross receipts between $5 million and $10 million ; Category 4: F irms with gross receipts greater than $10 million but less than $23.98 million . If your business qualifies, please complete and submit the attached RTD SBE Application and Personal Financial Statement. Both forms must be submitted to apply or renew. Note: see the Supporting Documents Checklist on the next page f or documents to be submitted with the application. RTD âs Small Business Office will process the application once it is complete . If your SBE application is incomplete, you will be notified via email of the specific deficiencies. Missing information must be submitted within 14 days unless an alternate time is agreed to. If found eligible, you will receive a letter of certification. RTDâs SBE certification is valid for 3 year s â" as lon g a s the business remains within the business size and personal net worth guidelines. Certified S BE s must update their application and certification file annually on or before their certification anniversary date . For more information on RTD's SBE Program, please visit the Business Center at www.rtd - . Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am privileged to add my words of greeting and support to you, the Parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, in this new pictorial directory. This is another sign of your desire to build a strong com - munity of faith and be the Little Church with a Big Heart. Pictorial directories like this mark time and give witness to the vital - ity and love in a parish community. I still look back on the direc - tory of my first parish as a priest with pleasant memories. I pray that God will bless you with a spirit of love and a continu - ing zeal for services to the poor. âWhatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.â Col. 3: 17 Hope in the Lord, Michael G. Duca Bishop of Shreveport Dear Colleague, Healthwatch Devon is working in partnership with the Community Directory to ensure you as patients, users of social care and the public, are able to comment on the quality of your local care services and how they could be improved. We also give advice and guidance to enable people to make choices about their health and social care services. Groups as well as individuals can leave feedback: what do YOU think is important for decision makers to know about? If you would like to read the latest copy of our newsletter, it can be downloaded from here: You can sign up to receive our newsletter direct to your inbox here: - in - touch/ as well as leave feedback about services or email us on any other issue you feel is relevant to health and social care. We log everything people tell us about services a nd share them with decision makers to help improve delivery. We want to hear the bad and also the good to help understanding of what people really value in their communities. If you run a community group or health or social care service and would like to r eceive hard copies for your service users, please email me to let me know how many copies you require, and where to send them to, Yours sincerely, Caroline Lee Partnership Officer Healthwatch Devon First Floor, 3 & 4 Cranmere Court Lustleigh Close Matford Business Park Exeter EX2 8PW Telephone 01392 248919 ext*115 Healthwatch Devon is managed by the Community Council of Devon; a registered charity (no. 1074047), compan y registered in England and Wales (no.3694095) registered of?ce as above. VAT registered (no. 942 0496 27). Dear Cu t Flowe r Ent h u siast : Toda y it âs a s e as y to b u y a b ouque t o f cu t flowers as it i s to pi ck u p a l o af o f b re a d. J ust st o p at t h e super ma rk et , an d y ou â ll s e e wh at I mean. Sup e rm a r k et c h a ins ha ve e n te re d th e f l oral bus in e s s i n a b ig w a y. N ation wi d e , sa les of cu t flowers a r e ris i n g f a s te r in supe rma r ke ts t ha n any o t he r f lo ral product . F l o ris t s a ls o repor t a boomin g b usi ne s s . But m os t sa les do nothi n g to b en e fit Texas fa r m e r s. W h i l e Texans sp e n d s o me $ 2 34 m i ll ion a n nual l y on cut flo w e rs a nd related pr o ducts , 9 9 p e rc e nt of cut f lo w er s so ld i n our st a te are not gr own here â" a l oss f or ag riculture an d th e Texas e c on o m y. Bet we e n Au g us t 1 9 99 and A ugust 20 0 0, nearl y 275 m il l i on c ut flow e rs and g re e ne ry st ems cr o ss e d the T e xa s - M ex i c o b order , headed f o r b u yers in T ex a s a n d other s t at e s. M il l i on s m or e wer e d el i vered f ro m C a l if orn ia, Fl orida, Mi c h igan, O re g on , Ari z o n a a nd New Me x i c o. Ev en t he ce l eb r ated y el l o w r o se of Te x as h i s tory and l egend is i m po rte d. C l e ar l y, t h er e âs a big m ar k et , b u t o n l y ab o u t 25 Texas gro w er s are h e l ping to fill it. I bel i e ve we c a n do b e tter . Te x as ran ks th i rd nationa l l y i n h or t icultu r e . Nu r se r y- gr eenhouse pr o du c ti o n i s the stateâ s seco n d l ea d i n g agri c ul t ural sector . I n 2001, T ex a s nursery- g re e nhou s e crops wer e v a l ued at a l mo s t $ 1.2 b i ll i on, i n c lud in g $ 2 36 m il l i on in flo riculture pr o du c ts, but cut f l ow ers co n tr ib ute d a m e re f r a c t io n of that t o ta l. Tha tâs n ot t o s a y a n y one can g ro w cu t flowers. I tâs a s e r i ou s bu s i n ess th a t re quir e s knowle d ge o f crop p r od u c ti on a nd a maj o r in v e s tm ent o f time and m o n ey . L ik e a n y type of a g ri cu l tu re , itâ s d e man d in g wor k th a t c a l l s f o r t o ta l c o mmi tm e n t. To give y ou a n i d e a of w hat i t ta kes , the T ex a s D e p art m en t of A g ri cu l tu re h a s p u bl i shed th e Texas C ut F l o w e r Ma n ual. This man u al o ff er s an o verv iew o f t h e ind u st r y and b asi c i nfo r ma ti on on pr o ducti o n, harve s ting and mar ke t i n g . Itâs a f i rs t s te p . I f y ou are i n te re ste d in going fu rt he r , we h a ve a l s o pub l i s he d a Texas Cu t F low er Re s o ur c e Guide th a t l i st s a w ea l t h o f s o ur c es f or mo re in-d e pt h i n for m at io n . TDA is c omm it ted t o rural and a gribus i ne s s de v e l o pme nt. H elpi ng produc e rs di v ersi fy i n to crops s u ch a s c u t f lo wers of f e rs one o pp o rtunit y to keep r u ra l Texas he a lt hy a n d gr ow i n g. Af t e r reading th e manual, w e h o pe y o u co m e a wa y as e x c i te d as I a m o v er the po t en t ial fo r our f l edg li n g c ut f lo w er i n dustr y . L et â s w o rk tog e the r t o c a p i ta l iz e on that potentia l . Than k y o u f o r yo ur i nt e re st .Dear HCV Provider, As you may be aware, in early 2015, the NYSDOH AIDS Institute launched a web - based public directory of experienced HIV care practitioners in New York State. We are excited to announce this directory has now been expanded to include experienced HCV care pra ctitioners. We encourage all HCV practitioners in New York State to register for the purpose of providing the public with information about where patients living with HCV can access experienced providers within the State. Participation in this directory is voluntary. It is compiled through provider self - identification, and includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and doctors of osteopathic medicine with experi ence in HCV care and treatment and who meet the NYSDOH definition of an experienced HCV provider . Please note that this list in no way constitutes credentialing or certification in a sp ecialty. Inclusion in this list does not confer any endorsement by the New York State Department of Health. We confirm that practitioners are licensed to practice in New York State. If you are interested in being listed in this directory, please follow th e steps outlined below to register through our on - line registration system. We will email you annual reminders to confirm/update your contact information. You are able to withdraw your name from this directory at any time. If you already participate in the directory as an HIV provider and would also like to register as an HCV provider, simply log into HCS and update your record with your HCV - related information. To Register: First you must log on to the NYSDOH Health Comm erce System (HCS). If you do not already have an account or need help accessing your HCS account, please send an email to . Step 1: Log on to HCS at . Step 2: Click âMy Contentâ - > âAll Applicationsâ. Step 3: Click letter âHâ and select âHIV/HCV Provider Directory â . Step 4: Follow the instructions as provided on the screen. Step 5: Email with any questions or concerns. The public listing of the directory will include providersâ names, contact information, and credentials as an HIV an d/or HCV specialist (if applicable). This directory will be made available to the public online at and will be updated at the beginning of each month. Finally, please forward this invitation to any HCV or HIV care provider who may be interested in registering themselves in the directory. We thank you for your time and wish you all the best. Sincerely, AIDS I nstitute , Viral Hepatitis Section
Posted by PRINCEBOY7 at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Re: Confirmation Email
Hi Rachae, Please click on the link below for information for International Students. Should you any have questions, please contact the Skyline Counseling Division at (650) 738-4318. Thank you, Skyline Counseling Team Building 2, Second Floor 3300 College Drive | San Bruno, CA 94066 Phone: (650) 738-4318 | Fax: (650) 738-4260 Email: |Web: Electronic Counseling: -- Greetings from UCOâs Office of Global Affairs, We are very glad to hear that you are interested in our educational programs. We will be happy to assist you through your application process. First, take a look at the Majors of Study that UCO provides. Once you have decided your major, you can visit the UCO International Application Page to explore the application process and requirements for different application types. Please note that all documents must be in English. Additionally, we require copies your transcript and diploma to be in English and the original version. We only accept online applications for international undergraduate applicants. After you have created a self-service account and completed the application, you can upload the documents required for admission. Please read through the Submitting Your Documents FAQ to go over what you need to know before sending your documentation. You are welcome to send your documents through email if you have any issue uploading documents to your account, however, this may increase the application process time. After your documents have been submitted, it will take an average of one to two weeks for an advisor to evaluate your documents and make an admission decision. For information regarding tuitions and fees, please visit our International Tuition section. We also have a tuition calculator which can help you to estimate your tuition. There are scholarship opportunities available for international students. Applications are not required except for the Presidentâs Leadership Council Scholarship, Leaders of Tomorrow Council Scholarship and Legacy Non-Resident Waiver Scholarship. The amount of funds awarded will depend on many factors. An advisor will evaluate your materials in order to make decision. The requirement for scholarship opportunities: SAT: A combined Critical Reading and Mathematics score of 980 or higher (the Writing Section score will not be used in our admissions decision). ACT: A composite score of 20 or higher on the English, Math, Science, and Reading sections (the Writing Test score will not be used in our admissions decision.) TOEFL: 61 IBT (Internet-based test) or 500 PBT (paper-based test) IELTS: 5.5 overall band There are no application deadlines for undergraduate applicants. If you are unable to enroll in the semester you were applying for, your application will be moved to the next semester. If you have additional inquiries, feel free to reply to this email. Thank you for contacting the Office Of Global Affairs. Please feel free to contact me by return email should you have any further questions. Best Regards, Madge Swann Prospective Student Service Specialist Office of Global Affairs University of Central Oklahoma 100 N. University Drive Edmond, OK 73034, USA Phone: +1 405 974 2390
Posted by PRINCEBOY7 at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Welcome to Term LIFE-INSURANCE
Dear Friend, Thank you for subscribing to The Pure Simple Nutrition Newsletter. You will receive 1 to 4 communications every month with infomation to support your health (health info, updates, special offers) Please click the link below to verify your email address and confirm your subscription. hank you for registering Thank you for registering to the Oriel Alumni website. You should receive a confirmation email shortly with your user name and password reminder. Before you can be given access to the website we need to verify your registration, which can take up to 3 working days to process. A notification email will be sent to you once this has been completed. If you need any help using the website please email the Development Office or call them on 01865 276599. This is an invitation to subscribe to the Perth Diet Clinic Newsletter. If you do not want to subscribe to this list then please ignore or delete this message. To accept this invitation, please visit Thank You For Registering Thanks for registering with ESPA. We look forward to helping you find a great placement in the UK. Please add to your contacts and check your junk folder to make sure you receive our registration email. We will contact you by email within 24 hours with more information about the next steps. In the meantime, if you want us to get on with finding your perfect internship, please email your CV to Thank You For Signing Up! Trump Thank you for signing up for the Conservative Book Clubâs daily e-newsletter! Look for it in your inbox every afternoon to stay updated on the latest reviews, bestseller lists, and special offers. Now that youâre a member of the Conservative Book Club, please take a moment to check out the Conservative Book Club website! Browse our library of books, authors, and fair and thoughtful book reviews; and take advantage of our Editorâs Picks and original author interviews. Our goal is to provide you with up-to-date commentary about the books and authors you loveâ"and to help answer the age-old question: âWhat should I read next?â We hope youâll consider us your new guide to the vast and vibrant world of conservative books! Your Fellow Conservative Reader, Thank You Thank You for signing up to receive the Daily Inspirational Emails from A Life Of Light. My name is Michael Shook and right now another email is just about to land in your inbox if it hasn't already. That one is the confirmation email and when you open it there is going to be a note from me asking you to click the link inside to confirm your email address in order to receive the positive messages each day. On occasion that email winds up in the SPAM folder or if you are using GMail, sometimes it goes into the promotions section. So if you don't see it in your regular inbox, take a look in those other places. Thank you for signing up, I am looking forward to sending you lots of positive ideas and inspirational messages. Thank You for Signing Up! Instant Access to the Webinar has been Sent to Your Email Please check your email for my welcome message and link to the webinar (if you don't see it, please check your junk folder...every once in a while it will make its way there). Here's a Free Bonus for You: 9 Step Checklist to Becoming a Successful Loan Signing Agent Click the button below: Thank You for Signing Up! The Cottage Mama Sewing and Crafting Website Thank you for signing up for The Cottage Mama Newsletter! You should be receiving your first free pattern within the hour. From this point forward, you will receive a weekly email from The Cottage Mama with news, updates, free patterns, recipes and more! To connect with other The Cottage Mama Fans, share your Cottage Mama creations and ask questions about patterns, please join The Cottage Mama Patterns group on Facebook by clicking HERE. Also, for behind the scenes peeks and to get to know Lindsay Wilkes, owner of The Cottage Mama, follow her over on Instagram by clicking HERE. Thanks again for signing up for The Cottage Mama Newsletter and until next timeâ¦â¦ Happy Sewing!
Posted by PRINCEBOY7 at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 2, 2018
Welcome toCannabidioI You haveBeen selected
Posted by PRINCEBOY7 at 7:13 AM 0 comments
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